Eight Foods that Will Help You Sleep Better

If you find it difficult to sleep at night, try adding some sleep-promoting foods that help you get a full night’s rest. A diet rich in fruit, vegetables, lean meat, and dairy keeps your physical health and immune system in great shape. Nutritious food and sleeping well are crucial to mental and physical health. Along with exercise, your diet can help you get the best sleep possible for active, fulfilling days.  

If you find yourself tossing and turning unable to sleep, your diet could be the cause of your insomnia

Does my Diet Affect my Sleep? 

If you find yourself tossing and turning unable to sleep, your diet could be the cause of your insomnia. Eating processed foods, not getting enough fiber or water, a lack of vitamin D, and drinking too much caffeine and alcohol disturb restorative sleep processes.  

The Best Foods for Sleep


Fatty fish is full of omega-3 fatty acid and protein to not only keep you pleasantly full but improve sleep quality too. Salmon, mackerel, trout, and tuna are packed with vitamin D and along with the omega-3 fatty acid boost serotonin production. Include fatty fish in your diet to boost brain power and improve sleep quality. 


Oats are a good source of fiber and are a light bedtime snack if feeling hungry before bed. A small bowl of oatmeal with warm milk is filling without feeling heavy and promotes feelings of calmness. Add oats to your morning protein shake or make a fruit and oat back to snack on when feeling peckish throughout the day.  


Turkey is the ultimate sleep food, think of how you feel after your Thanksgiving dinner! Turkey has a melatonin-boosting amino acid tryptophan and with the massive amount of protein, is a sleep-inducing combination.  


Eating food that promotes digestion can ease any after-dinner discomfort. Indigestion and acid reflux at bedtime can be combated with the low-calorie but tasty kiwi. Rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, kiwis are little superfoods that promote a healthy immune system and improved sleep quality.  


Dairy food and drinks are a great source of melatonin. Warm milk with honey before bed is a nutritious light snack that helps you relax and fall asleep. Cheese, milk, and yogurts are packed with calcium to help with melatonin production.   


Research suggesting tart cherry juice increases melatonin production which can help those who are experiencing sleep disorders. Cherries are sweet, tasty, and full of antioxidants and can be eaten in their natural form or drunk in a juice to feel the same sleep-inducing benefits. 

Vitamin D Rich Vegetables 

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for health and sleep. Kale, spinach, collards, and okra can prevent illness and promote better sleep quality. Low levels of vitamin D could lead to sleep disorder and lower your immune response, making you more susceptible to picking up colds and flu. 


Nuts are packed with vitamin b6, walnuts are particularly nutritious with 19 vitamins and minerals. Pistachios, walnuts, and cashews are full of zinc, magnesium, and fatty acids to increase melatonin production. A handful of nuts before bed is a light nutritious snack that will fill you up and help you fall asleep faster. 

What are the Best Drinks for Sleep?

  • Chamomile tea
  • Peppermint tea 
  • Cherry juice
  • Passionflower tea 
  • Cow's milk or oat milk   

What Else can I do to Help me Sleep Better?

Adopting a sleep hygiene routine to wind-down well before bed can help you relax and prepare for sleep. To avoid any difficulty falling asleep, keep electronics out of your bedroom, and avoid watching TV before bed. Do an activity before bed that is relaxing such as reading, listening to calming music, or enjoying a hot bath. 

Manage stress with exercise, meditation, and taking charge of your schedule

Your bedroom should be relaxing, a pressure relieving mattress can ease aches and pains, increase sleep quality, and offer a cooling restorative sleep. Manage stress with exercise, meditation, and taking charge of your schedule. Keep a journal to express your thoughts, writing can be a therapeutic experience.   


Nutritious food can make you feel healthy and help you stay asleep all night. A naturally occurring melatonin a hormone to alert your body for sleep can be enhanced with a healthy diet of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat, fatty fish, and dairy. A healthy melatonin production ensures sleep quality and good quality sleep keeps you full of energy and enthusiasm for your day. 

What to Eat When I Can’t Sleep?

Never go to bed hungry, if you feel the tummy rumble at bedtime drink a warm glass of milk with honey or have a small bowl of oatmeal. A banana or small cup of nuts is light yet the nutritious choice of a bedtime snack. Avoid eating a heavy or spicy meal before bed as this can cause heartburn.

What Foods are high in Melatonin?

Salmon, oatmeal, turkey, kiwis, dairy, cherry juice, vitamin D-rich vegetables, and nuts are melatonin-boosting foods. A healthy diet is essential to physical and sleep health. Adopt a wind-down well routine before bed to utilize your high melatonin levels and sleep well all night. Avoid watching TV in bed and keep electronics out of your room.   

What Fruit is Good for Sleep?

Cherries, oranges, pineapples, and bananas are delicious fruits to increase melatonin production. Add low-sugar fruit juice to your breakfast but equally beneficial at any time of day. Fruit is full of vitamin C which helps to keep your immune system strong and healthy. For the best sleep possible, eat as healthy as you can and get plenty of water.