How were your dreams last night? Your dreaming time can be fantastical and fun but the vast majority of people have a lot of trouble with dream recall. Many people believe that they don’t dream at all! But that is not true, everybody dreams, even small children and animals. Your nighttime stories have a lot to offer, let’s find out why you dream and if it’s possible to control your dreams.
Dreams are a collection of images, sounds, emotions, and even smells that occur in your REM phase of sleep
Dreams are a collection of images, sounds, emotions, and even smells that occur in your REM phase of sleep. You may not remember every dream you have but that does not mean you did not dream. You cycle through roughly six phases of REM sleep every night. Dreaming is like your brainpower washing itself, clearing away all the gunk, resetting your mind and body for a new day.
When you’re aware of your dreaming time and interacting with your dream environment, this is called lucid dreaming. Anyone can learn how to lucid dream, you control every aspect of the dreamscape. It can occur at random or from training yourself. Children are especially good at lucid dreaming.
Nightmares are dreams that make you feel frightened, anxious, or sad. You may wake up feeling terrified or crying. But, remember it’s just a bad dream and even bad dreams are valuable. They can release negative emotions easing tension in your waking life.
On average you may cycle through 6 dream cycles per night, this can make you feel as if you’ve been dreaming all night. You could spend around 2 hours dreaming every night.
Lucid dreams can feel like they’re going on forever but only last from ten minutes to one hour.
The average dream length of a nightmare can be 10-20 minutes while bouts of night terrors can be up to 45 minutes in length.
Establish a healthy sleeping routine, relax before bed by meditating
Sometimes you will wake up in the morning with no recollection of your dreams. But, that does not mean that you did not dream. You could have had 4-6 dreams but the sound of your alarm or your conscious mind was too quick to give you a moment to recall your dream.
Everyone dreams every night, even small children. You will cycle through up to 6 REM sleep phases and dream in each one. You may not remember dreaming but you certainly did.
Dreams are quickly forgotten because your alarm clock scares you awake, not giving you a quiet moment to reflect. Try and wake naturally without a loud alarm clock and see if this helps your dream recall.
When you recall your dreams you may not notice that some are in black and white. Soft colors tend to appear more in dreams.
Lucid dreaming is the ability to control every aspect of your dream. The characters, the theme, the setting, the sounds, everything. This ability can be learned by anyone, with a little practice you could learn how to lucid dream.
The conscious mind can grapple with complex issues but dreaming can help resolve issues in your life. Often times dreams are reflective of situations in real life. For example, a falling teeth dream meaning can occur during a time when someone feels a sense of powerlessness. The phrase ‘sleep on it’ means giving your mind the opportunity to process issues in your dreamscape. Ever notice you may go to bed angry or upset but feel so much better after a good night’s sleep?
The human experience is a shared one and therefore, no surprise that many dreams are universal. Dreaming of being naked in public, dreaming of being sick, flying dreams, and dreaming of being on stage are all examples of dreams shared by all people regardless of nationality or sex.
Ever see a dog wagging its tail or moving its legs while asleep? Chances are it was dreaming.
Dreams are hard to remember because we are quickly distracted when we wake up. Keep a dream journal and try and wake as gently as possible, rather than relying on a loud alarm clock.
Your dream hours are a unique and special time to gather your thoughts and reflect on life. If you feel that your dreams last for so long it's a good sign you’re entering the REM phase of sleep many times during the night. This is a good sign, although it may feel a little exhausting if your dreams are bombarding you with messages. Meditate before bed and ask your subconscious mind to give you short instead of long dreams. Try and learn how to lucid dream, it’s easier than you think, with a little practice and determination, you can dominate your dreamscape and make anything happen. Happy dreaming!
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